I thought that it looked fantastic compared to how bent it was when I sent it in. After another hour of work, he sent me additional pictures of the "final product." Those photos are attached below:
I was blown away with the quality of the repair job. The only area that he was having trouble with was the lip of the wheel arch along the aft edge, as shown in the photo above. The edge retained a little more roundness instead of a more crisp edge. He worked on it until he sensed that it was just going to get worse instead of better since stainless steel has a tendency to "work harden." This causes it to get more and more resistant to shaping as the material is massaged.
Since the panel was repaired to my satisfaction, he shipped the panel back to me and I got it over two weeks ago. The next day was a Saturday and I spent the morning putting it back on the car. The repair isn't perfect, but it's a night and day difference from what it looked like before. I have since gotten the car inspected, paid taxes and registration fees, and got it licensed in my state. It's nice to have it street legal. I have been enjoying it so much that I haven't even taken time to take a picture of what it looks like installed back on the DeLorean. I'll do that in the coming weeks. It's great to have it back on the road!
Very nice repair!