Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Solving a mystery with my DeLorean's interior

 Under the center console on my Delorean, there's a plastic panel and I had no idea why it was there, or if it was supposed to be there. 


My first thought was that a previous owner needed access to something under the fiberglass underbody and this plastic panel covered up a cutout. My curiosity got the best of me and I pried it off to reveal this:

Under all that dirt and dust is the metal fuel line. This access panel is right above the fuel accumulator and provides access to these junctions, if needed. I learned that this was done at the factory and that many DeLoreans have this. It was nice to learn all of this, but then I had to get the panel back in place. 

First, I cleaned up the area as best as I could given the limited access and cleaned up the foam material that was adhered around the edges.

The plastic panel had foam that I had to remove, and I did so with the assistance of a razor.
I cut out a new piece of foam that I had leftover from when I restored the A/C unit assembly and it was the perfect thickness. I used some gasket maker to adhere everything together and put the panel back into the car. All that effort just to answer the question of what was behind the cover!

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